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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
teaming action
[is] Þetta er talið eiga við þegar slík verkefni eru valin á grundvelli úttektar og röðunar óháðra sérfræðinga í samræmi við reglur rammaáætlunarinnar Horizon 2020 eða Horizon Europe, í kjölfar fjölþjóðlegra auglýsinga eftir umsóknum með þátttöku a.m.k. þriggja aðildarríkja (tveggja aðildarríkja ef um er að ræða aðgerðir liðsheildar (e. Teaming actions) eða að öðrum kosti tveggja aðildarríkja og a.m.k. eins samstarfslands.
[en] This is considered to be the case where such projects are selected on the basis of the evaluation and ranking made by independent experts in line with Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe Framework Programme rules, following trans-national calls, where at least three Member States (two Member States in the case of Teaming actions), or alternatively two Member States and at least one associated country, participate.
Skjal nr.
[en] The Teaming action is designed to support the creation of new centres of excellence or upgrading the existing ones in low R&I performing countries, building on partnerships between leading scientific institutions in Europe and the main beneficiary institutions in low R&I performing countries that display the willingness to engage together for this purpose. This can help countries that are lagging behind in terms of research and innovation performance attaining a competitive position in the global value chains. Leading scientific institutions are advanced and established partners that have developed an outstanding reputation in research and innovation excellence in the chosen scientific domain. Institutions that are still in the process of development or modernisation, e.g. those that are still receiving support as coordinators from widening actions under Horizon 2020, are normally not considered leading institutions, unless a proper justification is provided for in the proposal. (https://www.horizon-europe.gouv.fr/teaming-excellence-24953)

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